<aside> 💡 In this chapter, we will go over the essential build tools to not only initialize and manage this project, but modern web apps in general.



Install Git

Git lets you upload your finished code to a secure storage (repository) of your choice.

Follow this guide to install Git on Windows, Mac or Linux.

After installation, the following command in your Powershell (Windows) or Terminal (Linux, Mac) should produce a similar outcome:

git --version
# git version 2.37.2

Install Node.js & npm

Node.js and npm are the underlying infrastructure for your project.

The easiest way to handle Node.js and npm is using a tool called nvm . It lets you toggle between different Node.js and npm versions, which is useful for development purposes. Depending on your OS, follow the right link to download it:

After installation, verify that you have installed it by typing in your Powershell (Windows) or Terminal (Linux, Mac):

nvm —version
# 0.39.1 or similar

Next, install the Node.js version of your choice. For our purposes, any Node 16+ version is fine:

nvm install 16

And make sure it’s active with:

nvm use 16